Cisco Live 2025 Amsterdam

Go Beyond

AI takes center stage at Cisco Live 2025 Amsterdam, empowering you to expand your horizons and immersing you in the next wave of Cisco’s transformative technologies. Learn to work faster, safer, and smarter and become part of the movement that will Go Beyond what’s possible. Register now
Cisco Live 2025 Amsterdam Go Beyond brand graphic Go Beyond brand graphic

Registration packages

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Experience Cisco Live firsthand with a pass that suits your needs: Full Conference, IT Leadership, or Explorer.

Can’t make it to Amsterdam? Join us via the global broadcast!

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Woman sitting listening to a speaker at Cisco Live Amsterdam

Come to Learn

Education at Cisco Live focuses on technology skills critical to today's IT professionals.

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Woman holding Cisco Live Amsterdam t-shirt

Why Attend

Explore the reasons to attend Cisco Live and strategies to convince your boss.

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IP Fabric NetApp